Have you registered for the Ethics Workshop on July 11th?
There is still time! Register today online under the Events Tab.

Title: Legal and Ethical Dilemmas Surrounding Documentation by Ron Chupp

Workshop Description:
Training will deal with a variety of ethical dilemmas and issues, but our main focus will be the legal and ethical issues surrounding documentation. We will examine how to document high-risk situations and client behaviors, including what you should and what you should not include in your session notes. We will provide time for discussion on documenting Clinical Supervision sessions as well. We will examine the legal and ethical ramifications of inadequate documentation and methods for avoiding unintended consequences. Come prepared with your questions and examples to process with your colleagues and instructor.

We want to thank you for supporting The IAAP with your registration. We are very excited to welcome you to our event, and we look forward to seeing you in July 11th!

Questions? Please contact our offices by telephone at (317) 481-9255.